Friday, November 2, 2007

Class I

Words and Statements highlighted in color are by the author of the Blog:

Words in GREEN= Grammar, syntax or spelling error

Words, phrases and sentences in PURPLE= Questionable and/or inaccurate statement (theology, philosophy, ethics, morality, scientific)

Statements in BLUE= Statements that SRCM (Chennai) does not seem to practice

Chapter I - God And Guru 1

Start The Day With A Prayer 1

Chapter II - Healthy Living 3
Keep Healthy 3

Chapter III - Greetings 5
Use The Magic Words! 6

Chapter IV - Love 8
Love Begins At Home 8

Chapter V - Happiness 10
Be Happy, Make Others Happy 11

Chapter VI - Nature 13
A. Plants Are Our Friends 13

Chapter VI - Nature 16
B. Animals Are Our Friends 16

Chapter VII - Discipline 18
Discipline Starts At Home 19

Chapter VIII - Work And Perseverance 21
Work Is Fun! 21

Chapter IX - Time Management 23
Take Care Of Today! 24

Chapter X - Courage 26
Courage Is Being Fearless 26




 God is the creator of everything. He gives us everything.
 Prayer is a means of talking with God. We can pray anyway, any time and anywhere.
 It is good to start and end the day with a prayer.


When we look at this wonderful world of ours with its amazing variety of creations, when we gaze awe struck at the play of Nature, we can see the hand of a super power that we call ‘God’. Pass on this feeling of wonderment at God’s creations to the children. Everything we see around us is the handiwork of God. All these creations depend on each other in some way or the other, for survival. A feeling of love holds them together.
Prayer is a way of talking to God and conveying our feelings to Him. Children should understand that prayers could be said any time, in any way and by anybody. It is good to start and end the day with prayer.

A way to begin

 Ask the children to name some things that they can see being created around them. For example, mother cooks food, the tailor stitches a new shirt, masons build a new building etc.
 Ask them, ‘Who has created the moon and the sun and many other things that we see around us?’ Ask the children to name from Nature, things that are living or non living, tiny or big, moving or not moving etc,. ‘Who has made all these things?’ (God)
 With the help of children, compile a list of useful things from Nature. ‘How do we thank God for giving us all these things?’ (We thank Him in our prayers.)
 Ask, ‘What is a good time to pray? Should we pray only when we are in difficulty?’ (Any time is a good time to pray. We should thank God when we are happy too.)
 Ask, ‘Why is it good to start the day with a prayer?’ (It is the best time of the day and God’s presence & help is felt throughout the day) ‘Why should they end the day with a prayer?’ (To thank Him for the day).
 Ask them, ‘What is a good way to pray?’ Elicit that prayers can be said in silence too.
Tell them to sit silently with eyes closed for two minutes. Ask, ‘How do they feel after this silent prayer or meditation?’ (Encourage them to say in their own words).
Inform them that you would start all the Value Education classes in the same way with meditation, from now on.

Story Time

Story 1 - Maya’s mother always told Maya what was the right thing to do. One day she told her that she should always thank whoever gave her something and made her happy. That night Maya had a dream. In her dream, she saw a tree full of fruits. She took one, ate it and said ‘Thank you, tree, for giving me the fruit’. The tree shook its head and said, “Don’t thank me, Thank God for making me”. Next Maya saw a beautiful flower. She liked it so much that she said, ‘Thank you, flower. I am so happy to see you’. The flower said, “Don’t thank me, thank God who has made me”. (Continue the story in the same way). The next day morning Maya told her mother about her dream. Maya’s mother said, “That was such a good dream, Maya. What happened in the end?” “Oh, I got so tired thanking this and thanking that!” said Maya, “Then I thought I will need the whole day if I had to thank everybody. So I just sat down and thanked God for everything. Wasn’t that okay?” What do YOU think, Wasn’t Maya correct?

Story 2 - Ram had gone to his cousin Rani’s house for the holidays. Early in the morning, Rani woke him up. Ram, who was still sleepy, begged her to let him sleep for some more time but she dragged him out and said, “Look at the sunrise and listen to the birds singing. Can you get these in your city? Enjoy this morning freshness. It won’t last!” Ram asked Rani how long had she been up and what had she done. She replied that she had said her prayers and she was ready for the day. Ram was surprised. “Have you had your bath? I didn’t hear the sound of any puja, how did you say your prayers?” Rani laughed and said, “I say my prayers first thing in the morning. I don’t need to get ready for that! I talk to God the way I would talk to any of my friends. But I do that silently, that is why you did not hear any sound. My parents tell me that God is everywhere and I can pray to Him from anywhere in any way! Isn’t that the best way to do it?” Ram was happy he had learnt something from her.

Points to Discuss

 Encourage children to name some small or big things in Nature that impressed them. (You could bring samples of shells, flowers, stones etc. to the class). Discuss how perfectly they are made. Who could have made them with such precision? They are but some examples of divine handiwork!
 Remember that God loves children and listens to their prayers. You can talk to him as you would talk to your friend. What will you tell Him?


 Develop the habit of saying a prayer of thanks to God before you start eating food.
 Learn a prayer that you can say at the beginning and at the end of the day and remember to say it everyday.

When you wake at break of day
Just lift your heart and to Him say
'I don’t know what this day will bring
But Lord I offer you everything.'
When you are happy and things are fine
Just sing to Him this little rhyme
'O! Thank you Lord, you are so good
Help me love you, as I should.'

 Go for a nature walk and ask them to pick up something they liked and make a class collection.




 Keep yourself clean and remain healthy.
 Take a balanced meal with fruits, vegetables and milk included in the diet.
 Be regular in doing daily ablutions. (Keep the stomach clean)
 Play outdoor games to make the body stronger.


Children must understand that nutritious food, cleanliness, exercise and healthy habits keep them healthy. It is very important to get rid of the waste matter from the body and if there is any problem in this, they must inform their parents. This body of ours is a gift from God and we have to take good care of it.

A way to begin

 Teach the children this action song
These are my fingers, these are my toes,
Two little eyes, and one little nose.
A nice straight back, to keep me tall,
Ears to listen to when teacher calls.
Hands to move and feet to walk,
A little mouth, to make me talk.
I’ll jump up high, then bend down low,
Watch me as I start to grow, up, up, up on my toes,
That is how my body grows!

 Tell them how they will become taller and bigger as they grow up. Then they can do many things that they are not able to do now (ask for examples). Emphasise the need to have good and healthy food to grow up properly.
 Tell them how they will remain strong if they keep healthy. Elicit what are some healthy habits they should have (keeping themselves and their surroundings clean, eating food at regular times, exercise or playing outdoors, going to bed early etc.)
 Ask them if they pay attention to getting rid of the waste matter from their bodies. Discuss what problems could arise if the waste matter remains in their bodies.
 Ask them, if they get a special gift, don’t they keep it well and take good care of it? Let them understand how this body is a gift from God and how we should take good and proper care of it.

Story Time

Story 1
- Cheeku hated to eat fruits and vegetables. “How I wish I could eat only the things I want to eat!” he said aloud. Suddenly a fairy appeared before him and asked him which food did he love to eat. “Chocolates and Ice cream all the time,” he said, “ I can never get tired of them!” The fairy granted him his wish. Cheeku was thrilled! Whenever he wanted food, bars of chocolate and cups filled with ice cream started to appear. What fun it was! He had chocolates and ice cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner too. The next day it was the same story. More chocolates and ice cream for breakfast, for lunch and ugh! for dinner too! Would YOU like it if you had only chocolates and ice cream all the time?
How would you end this story?

Story 2 - Mona and Sona were sisters. Sona liked to go out and play with her friends but Mona always stayed home and watched TV or read storybooks. She grew plump and fat! Once Mona fell sick. She was tired and could not do anything. She was taken to a doctor. He told her that she fell ill because her body could not fight the germs. She had to make herself healthy and strong. She could do this by doing exercises or by playing outdoors in the fresh air. Mona started doing that. Soon she became quite healthy. It made her feel so good that now she never misses her play outside!

Story 3 - Asha was the first one to catch a cold or get sick in the family. She wondered how her grandfather even though quite old, always remained healthy and active. Once she asked him and he told her how his life as a young boy made him build up his body. There was no school near his village and he had to compulsorily walk a few miles everyday. There was no TV or any other form of entertainment and he and his friends used to spend hours playing in the open fields. He helped his parents in milking the cows and getting vegetables from the garden. He enjoyed eating them! His food was very simple but complete. There was no eating out at restaurants at all! No wonder he was so healthy!

Points to Discuss

 Discuss who is doing the right thing and who is not. Do YOU do the right things?
 Gagan brushes his teeth in the morning as well as at night.
 Hira gets rid of the waste matter from his body daily.
 Shibi doesn’t like to bathe everyday. On some days, he doesn’t bathe at all!
 Nina’s dress is never clean.
 Bina plays outside in the evenings.
 Baba keeps his hair clean and shiny by combing it daily.
 Why must you do these things?
 Keep a separate comb for yourself.
 Keep your tooth brush in a clean place.
 Wash your hands with soap after using the toilet.
 Go out and play in the evenings.


 Draw and colour your favourite fruits.
 Look at all these fruits. Circle those items that are good for your health. (make a collection of pictures showing various kinds of food items)
 Which is better?
 Plain ice cream or fruit salad? Why?
 Real orange juice or the flavoured drink? Why?
 Plain bread or a sandwich with butter tomatoes and cucumbers? Why?
 Mime some outdoor games and ask the children to guess what they are. Let them mime and show what games they like best.
 Learn this saying
Early to bed and early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
 Take a paper and tear it into 14 pieces. Write one word from the above saying in each one of the bits. Ask the children to arrange the bits of paper to get the saying correctly.




 Everyone likes a person who is well behaved and polite.
 Learn to use the words ‘please’, ‘sorry’, ‘thank you’ and ‘excuse me’.
 Avoid talking back and being rude. Be pleasant and give respect to others.


Politeness and good manners are always appreciated and so great pains are taken at school and at home to teach children these social skills. However one must not forget that politeness should not end with just mouthing these words. Good manners should be combined with respect that comes from the HEART. Respect means really caring about other people. It is the basic foundation for other basic values of life. Children who learn this will be better friends, better leaders and better members of society.

A way to begin

 Talk to the children about any magic shows they have been to. Then tell them that you could also show them some magic. Hold an object in your hand and tell them that they can get it easily from you if they know some magic words. Make them come out with the word ‘Please’ and ‘Thank You’. Tell them how these and the words ‘Sorry’ and ‘Excuse me’ are magic words because they help you to get along with everyone.
 Tell them that these words acquire more power only if a thing called RESPECT backs them. Whom do they respect? (Elders?). How do they show their respect? Not enough if they say just Sir or Madam. They must FEEL this respect for them.
 Ask—who else should be respected? Through discussion derive the point that we should respect EVERYONE! Even our friends and juniors. Respect means caring for them and thinking about their feelings and not hurting them.

Story Time

Story 1 - A few children were playing with a ball on the street when it went over the hedge and fell inside a house. The children didn’t know what to do since they knew that an old man well known for his ill temper lived there. Now who would have the courage to go in and retrieve the ball? A small boy offered to bell the cat. His friends tried to dissuade him and warned him that he might not be the right one for the task. May be a bigger and stronger boy should go. But the little boy went courageously and knocked at the door. When the children heard the gruff voice of the old man they ran away. When they peeped out from their hiding places, they saw the little boy come out with the ball. Not only that, they saw the grumpy old man wave in a friendly way at him!
What did the boy do to win over the old man? He was polite and used the magic words. He said Excuse me when the man opened the door and expressed his regret for the mishap. He said ‘please can I have the ball?’ and remembered to say thank you when it was given. He also realised that the old man was lonely and so spent some time talking to him. No wonder he achieved what might not have been possible for someone stronger.

Points to Discuss

 Given below are some situations. Act them out using the appropriate ‘magic’ words.
 A waiter brings food in the restaurant.
 You are asking the shopkeeper to show you something.
 You are going in a bus when the driver applies the brake and you fall over someone.
 You have too many boxes to carry and ask for help.
 You are waiting at the bus stop and your neighbour gives you a lift home.
 Your mother is on the phone. You want to ask her permission to go out and play.

 Fill up the blanks with the right words.
 You say ----------- when you meet someone in the afternoon.
 You say ----------- when you meet someone in the evening or night.
 When you take leave of someone, you say -------.
 If someone thanks you, you say --------.
 If you want to draw someone’s attention, you say -------.
 When you want to request something you say ------.
 When you want to apologize for your mistake, you say ---------.


 What gestures are shown with the following greetings? 'Namaste', 'How do you do?' 'Vanakkam', 'Bye bye'.
 Say Namaste with a smile and then say it frowning. Which is better?
 Tell two children to have an imaginary conversation. Tell them how they should say sorry even when they commit a mistake unintentionally, for example when they trip someone and he falls. Make one of them yawn or sneeze and show how they should close their mouth and say ‘Excuse me’. When they ask for a pencil or something from their friends, they should not demand but request. They should always say, ’please’ or ‘may I have’ and when they have got it they must not forget to say ‘Thank you’.

 Learn this song (based on ‘When you are happy and you know it, clap your hands!)
When you meet your friends in school what do you say? Hello! Hello!
When you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it
When you are happy and you know it, shake your hands (action- shaking hands)
When you pack your bags and leave for home, what do you say? Bye, bye!
When you go to bed at night what do you say? Good night!
When you are happy and you know it and really want to show it,
When you are happy and you know it, give a smile! (Smile)




 Love begins at home. Our parents (and other family members) love us. They take care of us and help us.
 We can show our love for them by helping and caring for them and by sharing whatever we get. We can help them by doing our work ourselves.
 People who love us, correct us, when we do something wrong.


A child begins its life on this earth with the loving care of its mother. As it grows older, it begins to experience the love that exists in the family and learns to play its part in the process of receiving and giving love. Hence the saying, 'Love begins at home' is true. It must be kept in mind that children should be supported with love. It is better to avoid the policy of Reward and Punishment to make the children do what we would like them to. In the early stages of schooling, the school becomes an extension of home and the child gets more opportunities to love and care for others. Since love is the basic feeling in all our relationships, we must create an atmosphere that is conducive to this learning.
It is never too early to learn that giving is more important than receiving and what we do for others is more important than what they do for ourselves.

A way to begin

 Discuss about the love that exists in a family. Ask--What does your family do for you? Let the children talk about how each member of the family does something for the child. Ask-What makes them do things for you? (Because they love you and care for you.)
 Find out whether their grandparents are staying with them. Discuss how they should love and respect their grandparents. Encourage them to talk to these elders and share their daily experiences with them. Discuss how they can help their grandparents by doing small chores for them.
 Discuss how they will show their love for their parents. By giving them a hug? By listening to them and obeying them? By not disturbing them when they are busy or when they are sick? Or by crying when they leave them and go somewhere?
 Sometimes the parents scold the children for doing something wrong. (Ex. When the child throws its books around and makes a mess) Does this mean they love them less?
 Sometimes parents do not allow the child to do certain things. (Ex. Not letting it eat junk food). Is it because they do not love the child? Is it right for the child to get angry with its parents? Through discussion, let the children understand why their parents deny them certain things.

Story Time

Story 1
- “ Wake up, Maya,” said Anand. “ Remember today is mummy’s birthday! Get up, lets go and wish her.” Their mother was in the kitchen. They ran and hugged her and sang “ Happy Birthday to you!” Maya gave her a bunch of lovely flowers that she had picked up from the garden. Anand gave her a card that he had made. Their mother was very happy. “Thank you, dear children. That was very nice of you” she said. “Wait, mummy we have something more for you,” said the children. Maya gave her a penholder, which was made out of an empty container. She had pasted some pictures on it. Anand had made a small notebook for writing down her shopping list. He had made it out of used paper. Wasn’t their mother very happy!

Story 2 - There was a small baby at home! It was a sweet little thing and everybody just adored it. Mala watched as her parents fussed over the baby. Her mother had no time for Mala now. All day long she was taking care of the baby, sometimes feeding her, sometimes rocking her to sleep and often just holding her. Mala wanted to sit on her mother’s lap but the baby was always there! Mala felt her parents did not love her any more. All they cared for was the baby! One-day Mala’s aunt came to see the baby. She looked at her and said, “Why, the baby looks exactly like Mala! Is she as good as Mala was?” Mala’s mother said, “ Oh, Mala was such a good baby. I had no trouble with her at all. But this baby cries more and I have to hold her for a longer time. I am waiting for the baby to grow up. Then Mala can help me in taking care of her sister. Do you know she stops crying and gives a special smile when Mala comes near her? I think she already loves Mala and will listen to her!” Mala looked at her tiny sister with new understanding. Now Mala spends most of her time by the side of her sister just waiting for her to grow up!

Points to Discuss

Talk about the following with the children.

Here is an easy way to show your love for your parents. DO something for them. When your father or mother comes home from work, get them a glass of water. Help them to put their things away. Help them lay the table and after dinner do your bit in carrying things back to the kitchen. Eat in a neat way without spilling food. Before you leave for school, look for small jobs that you can do. Maybe you can help to water the plants, fill up the water bottles, or help in dusting. Maybe you can even fold clothes or help in putting the things away. Put away your toys and books as soon as you are done with them. You can also help in taking care of the guests who visit you, by serving them water or soft drinks or coffee or tea. Whatever it is, do it cheerfully and willingly.
 You can even help by trying to do your work yourself. Are you able to brush your teeth, take a bath, wear your uniform, polish your shoes, pack your schoolbag and do your homework all by yourself? If you can, that is really very good. If you can’t, try and keep trying. One day you will, and that will be a good gift for your parents!
 Let them talk about instances when their parents denied them something or corrected them. Why did they do it? Did it help the children to correct their behaviour?


 Giving gifts is one way to show love for others. The gifts need not be expensive. It is the thought behind the gift that counts. The children can make your gift using odds and ends in an imaginative way. Bookmarks, penholders, paperweights and note pads are very easy to make and can be done by small children with some help from adults.
 Children are very happy when their birthdays are celebrated. Ask them to make note of the birthdays of their family members and wish them on that day. This will surely make them happy.




 God has given us many things to make us happy.
 Everyone likes a person who is happy.
 Spread your happiness around. Make others happy by being happy yourself.


Though happiness is associated with receiving things or with success or being with our loved ones, it need not always be so. There is happiness when there is enthusiasm and a positive outlook in life. If we look around, we can see many things that God has given us that can make us happy. Happiness can be found in simple things of life. A colourful rainbow, cool breeze or the innocent laughter of children can bring a smile to our faces. We must always treasure these moments and be thankful to the almighty for this.
A happy person is liked by all. By having a friendly disposition and being happy ourselves, we can make others also happy. When you smile, the world smiles with you. Happiness increases when you share your happiness with others and add value to their lives.

A way to begin

 Let the children have a smiling contest. Ask, ‘Whose smile is the biggest? Look at your partner and smile. Remember, be happy and make others happy!’

Teach the following song to the class

Smile a while
And while you smile
Another smiled
And soon there are miles and miles of smiles
Just because YOU smiled!

 Let the children name some things that make them happy. By giving examples, guide them to name some simple inexpensive things and things in Nature and help them to think of God and thank Him for giving us so many things.

Story Time

Story 1
- There was a boy who was always cross and grumpy. No one wanted to play with him because he was always complaining. He was very unhappy. One day he went to a party where every one had to wear a mask. He was given a mask with a laughing face. (put on a mask of a laughing face yourself) Soon he found that every one was laughing and joking with him. He became the most popular boy in the room. He wondered what brought about this sudden change. Do you know the reason?

Story 2
–Mona was unhappy because she was not rich and did not have jewels like her friends. Her sister Sona promised to show better jewels than what her friends had. She took Mona to watch the rising sun (gold ), dewdrops (diamond ), red kundumani seeds ( coral ) etc. Think of similar things like this. Point out how the beautiful things seen in nature are even better than the best of artificial things.

Story 3
- A little monkey in the zoo complained to its mother that no one was coming to see it. They were flocking to see the big elephant or the fierce lion. It sat in a corner, unhappy and sad. Its mother told the monkey not to do that. If it kept a long and sad face no one would come near it. It told the little monkey to forget its complaints. There were so many things it could do to make itself happy. There were trees to climb and playthings to play with and many friends to run around and chase! Then all of them could have a good time. The little monkey did just that. Its friends were happy to have it with them and soon every one of them was having a wonderful time chasing each other and playing. Imagine its surprise when it found all the people crowding around it, watching its antics happily! What fun the little monkey had as it jumped and clowned and made all of them laugh! (Can use a hand puppet of a monkey to make it more interesting)

Points to Discuss

 Find out how a smile or a laugh can make us happy. Even when we don’t feel very happy, if we smile or laugh, it makes us feel happy. Try it and see!
 When we are happy we smile and laugh. The others also feel happy when they see how happy we are.
 You see a friend who is grumpy. How can you make him happy? (Smile, pat him on the back, tell a joke or a funny incident and make him smile).
 A happy family does many things together. What are the things your family does together? (Show some pictures to elicit answers --pray, eat, play games, visit friends, go shopping, go for a picnic, listen to music, sing songs, sit in the garden, watch birds, watch TV, share jokes, solve puzzles, go to the park, travel, watch the sunset, go for a walk.) Can you think of anymore?


 Teach the action song ‘ If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands ( repeat the line 3 times)
If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands’
Repeat the lines while changing the actions.
 Show them pictures of a grumpy face and a smiling face. Which one do they like? Discuss why. Show the children how to draw a grumpy face and how it can be changed into a smiling one ( )
 Help them make masks with happy faces, clown faces etc.
 Give each child a cut strip of paper. Show them how to draw a smiley face on it. (). Write underneath ‘keep smiling’. This can be used as a bookmark. Tell the children to gift the bookmark to another child.




Plants and trees are God’s gifts to us. They help every one of us.
 Plants are like our friends. They give us many useful things.
 We should take care of the plants and trees around us and not destroy them.


God has blessed us with the gift of plant life. Let’s not take them for granted. Let children look at the plants around them as their friends and learn their names. This will help them to learn about plants in a more personal way and they will be eager to take care of the plants. They should learn to play their part in the protection and preservation of the environment.

A way to begin

 Through dramatisation, the need to take care of plants can be effectively brought out. Let some children act as plants which are wilting and drooping due to lack of water. What should be done to revive them? Let some other children pretend to water them and make them bloom.

 Show the children trees and plants in the school garden and tell them to think of these as their friends. The class can be divided into groups and each group can ‘Adopt’ one tree as their own. Let them get to know their friends by touching them and feeling their texture. Ask some children to identify these plants by touching them while blindfolded.

Story Time

Story 1
- an abridged version of Whose Garden? By Marilyn Kratz: This story talks about how the animals and insects in a garden think of the garden as their own. The brown earthworm thinks it is his garden because he lives there. He wriggles his way through the rich black earth, leaving it richer and softer. The Robin thinks it is her garden. She sings her morning song there and has her breakfast. The yellow butterfly is sure, the garden belongs to him. The ladybird decided this was the perfect garden in which to raise her family. Now she has lots of little ladybird babies and teaches them to look after the garden. The bumblebee comes to the garden on business. She is so busy gathering honey from the flowers that she scarcely has time to see how pretty they are. Whose garden is it?

You’d almost think the big bright sun owned the garden. The garden wouldn’t grow without the sun’s warm golden smile and the garden seems to smile right back up at him. But the garden needs rain, too. The rain makes it stand tall and smell fresh. The others leave when the rain visits the garden as if the garden belonged only to the rain.

A small girl planted the seeds. She pulled the weeds and watered the seeds when the rain disn’t have time. If you‘d ask her, she would say it was her garden. Whose garden is it?

Story 2 - Once a king was going by and he saw a very old man planting mango seeds. The king started laughing and asked the old man why he was planting the seeds. They would take such a long time to grow and surely the old man would not live that long to enjoy them. The old man looked at the king and said with a smile that he was aware of that. But the tree did not give fruits only to the man who planted it. It would give fruits to his children and grand children and maybe even the to the children of the king. It was for them that he was planting the seeds.

Story 3 - Manu read a story about a man who could understand what the animals spoke. ‘If I could do that!’ thought little Manu. One day he was standing near a plant which had lovely flowers. Manu started to break the twig which had the flowers and leaves. Suddenly he heard a voice. It was the plant speaking! “ Manu, look at what you are doing! You are taking away my leaves. Do you know that these leaves make my food and I will starve without their help? Look at the flowers you have plucked. Do you know that many people come here to look at these flowers and feel happy? The bees also come for their food and nectar from the flowers. Now they will feel hungry too! I wish you would not hurt me by breaking my branches. The birds love to sit on them. Will you help me and take care of me, Manu?” said the plant. How do you think Manu felt?

Points to Discuss

 When we love someone, we make him or her happy by giving gifts. God loves us so much that He has given us the gift of plants and trees. Discuss this.
 List ways by which YOU can help to take care of plants and trees.
 How, a small plant like grass is helpful? Can you think of tiny tots like you being helpful to others?
 Do you know that you can help plants grow well by singing to them and talking to them lovingly? Try it with the plants you have at home!


 Learn the names of common plants and trees that you can see around you.
 Find out the names of eight trees that are hidden in this given word square.

Mango, Teak, Gulmohar, Neem, Peepal, Guava, Banyan, Apple


Read this poem to the children and explain its meaning.

Trees are the kindest things I know
They do no harm, they simply grow
And spread a shade for sleepy cows
And gather birds among their boughs
They give us fruit in leaves above
And wood to make our houses of
They are the first when day’s begun
To touch the beams of the morning sun
They are the last to hold the light
When evening changes into night.

 Make a class collage to show the use of plants and trees.
 Learn to do bark rubbing of tree trunks and leaf rubbings. Use these as well as dry leaves to make different shapes.
 It is a fascinating experience to put some seeds in a small container of soil and watch the new plants germinating from them. Children could be told to take care of these plants as well as plants near their classrooms. This will help them to inculcate love for nature.




Animals give us a lot without asking for anything in return. They do not grumble but show their love and gratitude.
We should be kind to animals and take care of them.


We can learn many things from animals -- their non-grumbling nature, their love, gratitude and faithfulness and the way they co-exist with other animals and use their resources as per their needs.
Young children are fascinated by animals and pets but they need to learn how best to take care of them and when to leave them alone. Being kind to animals is an age-old concept. ‘Ahimsa paramo dharma’ says the vedas. We also belong to the animal kingdom but there is one big difference. God has given us the power to think. We can use this power to protect the animals. We should not needlessly destroy what God has created.

A way to begin

 Ask riddles about animals and let the children identify them. Ex “I am very big. I have a trunk and tusks. Who am I?” When the children identify it as an elephant, talk to them about its good qualities, the way it takes care of its herd, specially the young ones. Likewise highlight the social nature of ants, the faithfulness of a dog and the gentleness of a cow.
 Let children mime the movement of some animals and talk about them. Help them to think of these animals with love.
 It is very easy to make animal masks. Draw animal faces on large sheets of paper, cut them and let the children colour them. Children would love to put these masks that they make!

Story Time

Story 1
- Mira had come to her uncle’s village for her holidays. One day he told her to come with him to see Gowri and Lakshmi . Mira wondered who they were. They were two new calves! Mira was thrilled. She ran to pat and cuddle them.
Mira now had two dogs, two cats, a rabbit, and an aquarium full of lovely fish to keep her busy! And the two little calves too. She helped in feeding the calves, taking the dogs for a walk and in keeping the aquarium clean.
She asked her uncle why they had so many animals at home. “We love them; that’s why!” said her uncle. “And we get much more love in return.”
Mira had to agree. She had seen how the dogs showed their happiness when he came back home. They wagged their tail, jumped at him and licked his face and hands!
Mira’s uncle told her that the animals never complained or grumbled but gave generously. They got milk and milk products from the cows, the bulls helped in the field and the dogs guarded the house and farm. What more could they ask for?
Mira’s uncle talked to her about how some people do not treat the animals well. They forget that God creates the animals too. The animals have feelings and suffer just as we do. Unfortunately they cannot talk to us and tell us how they feel! God has given us the capacity to love them and take care of them. We should do that but if we cannot, at least let’s not do things that will hurt them. Do you agree with this?

Story 2 - This story happened a long time ago in a place called Rome. The rich people of Rome had many slaves who worked for them. The slaves were not treated well. A poor slave called Androcles ran away from his master and hid himself in a forest. One day he saw a lion in the forest. He was about to run away when he saw the lion lifting its paw, showing a huge thorn stuck there and begging him to help him. Slowly he went near the lion and removed the thorn.
Androcles could not be free for a long time. He was caught and put in jail. His punishment was that he had to face a hungry lion. If he escaped from it, then he would be set free but so far no one had escaped. As he stood shivering with fear, the lion was let in and it came charging at him. But suddenly it stopped. As everybody watched it slowly came near Androcles and started to lick his feet. Yes, it was the same lion Androcles had helped earlier!

Points to Discuss

Just like us, God has created all the animals in this world. Your parents want you to live with love with your siblings and not hurt each other. What do our parents want from us? What does God want from us? Will He like it if His children hurt each other?
 God has given us a very good gift, the ability to think. How can we use this ability in taking care of animals which cannot talk and express their feelings?
 How are pet animals useful? How will you take care of your pets? Why should we not hurt them? Do you think animals also feel the pain?
 Which of these people are taking care of the animals?
 Ashish keeps his dog tied up all the time because he is scared it might bite someone. Since he doesn’t have the time, he does not take it out for its walks either.
 Rita always makes sure, the aquarium is kept clean. She feeds the fish regularly.
 Ram loses his patience when he has to drive the bullock carts and whips them hard.
 Shyam teases the monkeys in the zoo. He laughs when they get angry with him.
 Manoj has kept a table in the garden with pieces of bread or seeds for the birds on it.
 Asha was walking down the street with her elder sister. They saw a dog that had been hit by a speeding car. The dog was bleeding and was in pain. Asha’s sister immediately rang up the Blue cross and made sure that the wounded dog was taken care of.


 The Blue cross is an organization that cares for animals. Find out more about it.
 What are doctors who treat sick animals called? Is there a hospital for animals in your city? Which animals are treated there? Ask people who have pets for information.
 Spot the animals in this forest. (draw a picture of a forest with animals hidden in it)
 Learn this poem

My Dog

His nose is short and shiny, his ears hang rather low
He always brings the stick back, no matter how far you throw
He sits and begs, he gives a paw, he is you can see,
The finest dog you saw and he belongs to ME!

 Make models of animals using dried leaves or other waste materials. For example, you can make a tortoise by using half a coconut shell and four ice cream spoons.




Obedience to parents helps us develop discipline.
 There is no chaos when things are kept in order.


Discipline for the child starts very early, at home. What is taught at that age is never forgotten! A right mixture of love and discipline helps them to have a healthy attitude towards discipline. Often children become rebellious against discipline because it is imposed on them and they do not like it. Still, childhood is the right time to learn certain rules that will help them grow into matured adults.
One of the earliest rules that children can learn is to put back their things in their place and to keep their things in order.

A way to begin

 The game of ‘Simon says’ (or ‘Mother says / Father says’) can be played in the class. In this game certain commands are given which the children have to obey ONLY if they are preceded by the words ‘Mother says / Father says’. When a command is given without these words they should not do them. Lead them to infer how they should be disciplined and obedient at home too.
 Act out the following story with the children’s help “ Bear’s house was in a mess. He decided to put things in their places. He opened the fridge and found a book there. Where should he keep it? (let the children answer) He put the book in the bookshelf but found a bottle of honey there. Where should he keep it? He put the bottle in the kitchen shelf but found a soapbox there. Where should he put it? (Every time let the children answer. You can keep this game going as long as the children are interested in it! Keep changing the things and places)

Story Time

Story 1 - Babu’s parents had given him strict orders not to buy and eat anything that was sold in the open. Everyday Babu saw a sweet vendor selling candyfloss near his school and he was tempted. One day he happened to have some money with him for buying a notebook and he spent it on the candyfloss. It tasted good but Babu was not feeling very happy even though he had what he had wanted for a long time. That evening he had a severe stomach ache and had to be taken to a doctor. The doctor rightly diagnosed it to something that Babu had eaten. Babu had to admit what he had done. His stomach ache taught him a lesson! Now he listens to his parents and does what they tell him to do because he has realised that they do it for his good.

Story 2
- Renu did not bother to keep her things in order. Her mother had to help her every time. One day her mother told Renu that she had to learn to take care of her things herself and that she would not help. Renu had great difficulty in getting ready and she often forgot to take her things to school. Her teacher noticed this. A talk with Renu’s mother gave her an idea. The next day she brought different kinds of seeds to school. She put them on the table and told Renu to separate them. Renu did it with difficulty. But as Renu was going back to her seat her teacher mixed up the seeds again and called her back to separate them. Every time Renu completed the task, she was asked to do it again. Renu was getting upset and angry. The teacher told Renu to imagine herself as the mother and the teacher as Renu. Didn’t Renu behave in the same way at home? Renu thought about it and made up her mind to change! (Can be done as a practical activity in the class)

Points to Discuss

 What are some rules imposed by your parents? Which of these rules do you feel are unjustified? Which do you think are for your good? Discuss. Has there been a change in your view after discussion?
 Do you do the following things?
 Keep your shoes in the shoe rack
 Put your toys away after playing
 Keep your books in one place
 Do not mess up any room
 It helps to keep things in their proper places. Think what would happen in the following situations when things are not in their places--
 The lights go off and you have to look for the candle in the dark.
 You took the scissors but forgot to put them back. Now you need them urgently.
 By mistake someone has kept the shaving cream where the tooth brush should be.
 Someone has kept the medicines where a small child can reach them.


 Divide the class into groups and give each group a jigsaw puzzle to make. Make the pieces fairly large and uncomplicated. Keep away one piece with you so that the children cannot complete it. Let them get frustrated a little bit before handing over the missing piece. Use this opportunity to make them think how it is when they don’t put away toys properly after playing with them.
 Leela and her mother went shopping and bought a lot of things. Help them to put them away in their proper places. (pictures of things like soap, tooth paste, dals, books, shoes, milk etc )
 Enact the story of Babu. Encourage them to come up with similar stories.
 Look at this picture of a kitchen. Can you spot the things that do not belong to this room? (You can draw a room with things that do not belong there. Get this sheet copied and give it to the children as an individual activity)




 Those who work hard, always do better than those who don’t.
 We should do all our work with care.
 We should be regular in our work.


Children love to put in hard work while playing but do not have the same interest when it comes to studying or doing some other chore. Guide them to look at work as a challenge. Help them to develop enthusiasm for all kinds of work. Point out how work gets done faster and better when it is done willingly. Children should learn to do any work with full attention and not half-heartedly. Everyday they should assign some time, to do their job, whether it is schoolwork or any other kind of work. This habit of regularity will help them a lot in life.

A way to begin

 Draw a grid with 9 or 16 squares (1”x1”) on a sheet of paper and make copies. Give each child one sheet. On the blackboard draw a similar grid. Draw a picture within the grid. The children will have to follow what you have drawn on the board by paying attention to the squares they have on their sheets. Ask them if they found this work hard to do. (they would say 'No' because they would have found it interesting). Through questions, elicit the fact that when it is interesting and enjoyable, one does not mind doing hard work.( For ex. while playing) Would they have liked it as much if they had to do a page of writing? Why not? Let them name some people who have to work very hard. What would happen if they all decided that the work was not interesting and stopped working?
 Work does not necessarily mean only schoolwork. Children should be trained to help in household work too. If appreciated, they would enjoy doing some small jobs at home and not look at it as a chore. Through discussion, guide them to make a list of all the jobs they could do at home to help the family.
 Children should be made to understand that it is all right to play, watch TV or sleep, but these things should not be done at the cost of some work that needs to be attended to. Some parents have a hard time disciplining children who would rather indulge in such activities. Through discussion, let the children understand how doing the work allotted to them with attention and care is very important.

Story Time

Story 1
- A grasshopper saw some ants carrying away food grains and called them to play with him. They refused saying they had a lot of work to do. The grasshopper went away laughing at their foolishness in working so hard. Soon it was the rainy season and the grasshopper found it very hard to get any food. The ants that had slogged away were happily eating their stored food and it was their turn to laugh.

Story 2 - Take two puppets or cut outs to the class. Name these puppets and make them react to some given situations. Make one of them a worker, always willing to do a good job and the other one a shirker, always trying to wriggle out of work. Let the children realise how it is better to be a good worker and get satisfaction out of a job done well.
With the help of the same puppets, let the children understand how one should pay attention to the work we do and how one should be regular in one's work. Improvise situations to bring home these points.

Story 3 - Guru Drona who was the guru of the Pandavas and the Kauravas once wanted to find out how attentive his pupils were. He kept a toy bird on the branch of a tree and asked them to take aim to shoot it in its left eye. The guru asked each one what they saw. They answered that they saw the tree or the branch or the leaves. Arjun alone answered that he saw only the bird. When questioned further he said that he saw only the bird’s head and later, only its left eye. He was ordered to shoot and he shot the bird exactly in the centre of its left eye. His one-pointedness alone helped him to become the best archer of his time.

Points to Discuss

 Show the class two pieces of writing, one done shabbily and the other done very neatly and legibly. Which one did they like? Why? Let them compare it with their own work. Encourage them to try every day so that they could also do as well.
 Ask the children--Are you attentive? When you pay attention and listen, you are able to understand better. You are able to remember better. You are able to perform better. When you let your thoughts wander and do not pay attention, you find it difficult to do well.
 Ask--What do your parents say when
 You watch TV while doing your homework.
 Your parents tell you to bring four things from a room and you bring only two.


 Let them know that they have to pay attention not only in the classroom but in other places too. Ask them (or show them pictures and ask) why they must be attentive at these places? What could happen if they are not attentive? [examples--- crossing the road, in a doctor’s clinic, taking change back from a shopkeeper, cutting things with a knife in the kitchen]. Let them give more such examples.
 With the help of the students, prepare a timetable of activities for the day using colourful pictures to illustrate. See that there is time set aside for work as well as play. Find out how useful this timetable was.
 Sing the song to the tune of ‘ Here we go round the mulberry bush’
This is the way we do our work, do our work, do our work
This is the way we do our work,
With care every morning.
This is the way we dust and mop, dust and mop, dust and mop.
This is the way we dust and mop,
With care every morning.
(change the activities to include other things that the children could do with attention)
Here we go round the Banyan tree, early in the morning
This is the way we sweep and dust, early in the morning

Sing with - Mop the floor, dust our things, wash our clothes, cook our food, polish our shoes, and water the plants Etc




 We must make good use of the time available.
 It is good to get up early in the morning.


Out of the twenty-four hours in a day, we get only about ten hours to do our work, the rest being used up in sleeping, eating, getting ready etc. We must use this time effectively to get the maximum out of it. One way to do it is to get up early and start the day early. The other way is to do any work with proper attention so that time does not get wasted.

A way to begin

Discuss the benefits of getting up early. (Not hot, pleasant, feel fresh and active, more time to do work etc.) Tell them--- You can do so many things if you wake up early.You can go for a walk with your parents (this will also give some time to interact with their parents). You can learn your lessons. You can help your parents. You can get ready without hurrying. Can you do these things if you wake up late?
 At what time do you get up everyday? On which day did you get up the earliest? Were you able to get ready for school without hurrying up on that day? When you try to get up early in the morning, on some days, you may feel very sleepy. You may feel like going back to bed. Is it good to do so? Think about it.
 What is the right time to do these activities—playing, watching TV, eating food, getting ready to go out, etc. Through discussion let the children understand that there is a proper time for doing everything.

Story Time

Story 1
- A rich man (call him THE FATRICHSICKMAN to make it interesting) was all the time feeling sick. Actually he didn’t have enough work and was lazy. So no doctor could cure him. A wise man who came to him realized this and told the rich man that he would get better if he followed a simple rule. Every morning he should start the day with a small cup of water collected as dewdrops from the plants. He should collect the water himself. Soon the FATRICHSICKMAN became THE THINRICHFITMAN! How? Clue- when do we see dew drops on plants?

Story 2 - One night an angel took Anjali to the Topsy turvy world. Anjali saw that the people in this world slept all through the day. They got up in the evening and had their breakfast. When they went to school, it was night time. The children stayed inside all the time because it was too dark to go out and play! Anjali felt tired and sleepy but found the people there running around and doing all their work under artificial lights. When it was getting to be day light they went to bed. (Think of some funny situations or ask the children to improvise) Anjali was getting more and more confused! Thankfully, she got up and realised it was only a dream!

Points to Discuss

 God has given all of us the same number of hours in a day. How we use them is up to us! Discuss how we can use time in the proper way.
 Ask--What is the best way to start the day? (Start with a prayer). What are the activities one should do in the morning? In the evening? What will happen if you behave like you are in the Topsy Turvy world and start playing in the mornings?
 Ask--Do you do the following on time? Tick the correct answer

Task Always sometimes never
I get up when the alarm clock rings

I get ready for school on time

I reach school on time

I eat my food on time

I don’t make my friend wait for me

 Talk about how it is at home in the mornings when everybody is getting ready to go out. Is there a lot of confusion? Does every one run around? Or do they get ready quickly because they have already prepared for the day?


 Read this poem. Do YOU feel like this?
I wake up in the morning early
And always the first thing I do
I poke my head and sit up in bed
And I sing and I sing and I sing!
(Rose Fyleman)
 Here is another poem to read and enjoy!
Don’t be late in the morning
Is my advice to you
Though you’re feeling dead
Jump right out of bed
Don’t be late in the morning
Do what the birdies do
Get up, get up, get up you sleepy head!
When you hear the rooster calling you
Cock a doodle, doodle, doodle do
So don’t be late in the morning
Remember mother’s words
Just be one of the early birds.

 Draw and colour a picture of the sun to show how it looks early in the morning.
 The words of a popular saying are jumbled up. Put them in order to find out what the saying is. (bed , early, and, to, early, rise, to, man , a, wise, makes, healthy ,and, wealthy)
 Give them a sheet of paper with clock faces drawn on it and ask them to draw pictures to show what they do during the day. Specify the time to get up (6 am) and go to bed (9 pm).




Courage is being fearless. One needs courage to face any new situation.
 God helps us and gives us the courage to face any situation.


Fear is one of the basic feelings of man. Courage is being able to overcome these fears but it is not easy to be courageous. A person who is courageous is fearless and he is able to face any situation.
Often, children develop fear for all kinds of things. It takes courage to try any new activity and sometimes children are afraid and draw back. Encourage them to overcome their fears, and when they take their first step and try, praise them for their effort, whether they succeed or not.
To develop courage, one must have belief in oneself. Belief in God and His support gives invincible courage. One who has the faith that God is always there with him is fearless and courageous.

A way to begin

 Some children may not do things boldly because they are shy by nature and not because they are afraid. Such children will do very well with some encouragement. But some children really feel scared. Such children need help. They may be guided to see how their fears are baseless. Ask the children—‘Do you feel scared sometimes? What makes you feel scared? If you think about them you will know why these fears are baseless and how you can get rid of them.
 Are you afraid of the dark? Remember that darkness is a part of nature and it doesn’t last forever. Day follows the dark night. Say a prayer before going to bed. Keep a night lamp if necessary.
Are you afraid of insects? Insects and other smaller animals must be more afraid of us because of our size.
Are you afraid of being reprimanded? Isn’t it better not to do anything that will get you into trouble? Understand that rules are for your own good. Only a person who cares for you will reprimand you because they want you to become better.

Story Time

Story 1
- A king had two wives. The first wife’s son, Dhruv, was denied the love of his father by his stepmother and was not allowed to sit on his father’s lap. When a sorrowful Dhruv went to his mother she consoled him by saying that he should not worry about such small things and to pray to God to help him. Dhruv decided to pray till he met God Himself. He asked someone where he could go to do intense prayer or tapasya and he was told to go to the forest. Dhruv did just that. He was not afraid of anything. The loneliness, the wild animals, the dark night, nothing scared him. He stood steadfast in prayer and God appeared before him and made Dhruv sit on his lap. The intense tapasya that Dhruv did with determination earned him a place in the Stellar System. The unmoving, unwavering North Star is known even today as the Dhruv star.

Story 2
- There was a lion in a forest and it used to hunt the animals and kill them. The animals could not even go out for grazing. So they were getting weaker and weaker without food. A bold rabbit suggested a plan. He said that he would go to the lion and request it to stay in one place and not hunt them. Instead everyday one animal would be sent to him as his food. The animals liked this plan and the lion also agreed to it. So turn by turn, each day one animal would go to the lion to be killed. One day it was the turn of the rabbit. It did not want to die and thought of a plan. It went very slowly and reached the lion’s den quite late. The lion was very hungry and angry. It roared and demanded why the rabbit was late. The rabbit pretended to be scared and said that another lion, which wanted to kill him, delayed it. The rabbit could escape only after it had promised that it would go back to this new lion after informing the older one. The lion did not believe this. The rabbit agreed to take him to the new lion’s den. It took the lion to an old well and said that the other lion lived there. The lion peeped in and saw its own reflection. It foolishly mistook it for another lion and jumped into the well to kill itself and that was the end of it. The brave rabbit thus succeeded in getting rid of the lion and all the animals were very happy.

Points to Discuss

 Think about this—Dhruv was able to see God and talk to Him. We are not able to do so now. But that does not mean that God’s help is not there. When we need it, He always helps.
 Were you scared when you came to the school the first time? Share your experiences with others.
 How do you feel when you are very scared? Does your heart go pounding? What else do you feel? How does it feel when you get over the fear and go ahead? Remember how good it felt when you went ahead with courage. Whenever you feel scared, think of that time and you will be filled with courage!


 Teach the song
We shall overcome
We shall overcome
We shall overcome some day
Oh, deep in my heart
I do believe that we shall overcome some day

 Role-play some of the things that make us feel scared and how we can get rid of them.
 Answer these riddles – Sometimes you are scared of me- who am I?
 From a cat I run and hide
 On me, Ganesha gets a ride! ( a mouse )
 When I come, I chase the evening away.
 But the day chases me away! ( night)
 On a rainy night I rumble.
 Hearing me how you tremble! ( thunder )
 Do you see the warning sign about me on the front gate?
 But don’t forget I am your most loyal mate! ( a dog )

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